1. 个人经历
2. 研究方向:硅藻多样性;藻类与环境互作;藻类生态。先后在国内外学术期刊发表学术论文10余篇。
3. 主要贡献
4. 主要项目
(1) 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,32170205,中国横断山区硅藻分类与区系研究,2022-01-01至2025-12-31,58万元,在研,参与;
(2) 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,31770222,中国淡水硅藻分类修订及系统重建,2018-01-01至2021-12-31,60万元,在研,参与;
(3) 云南省教育厅,教师类项目,2022J0757,玉溪“三湖”着生硅藻生物多样性研究,2022-03至2023-02,2万元,在研,主持。
5. 主要论文成果(中文核心或以上)
(1) Fuo Luo, Qingmin You, Lixuan Zhang, Pan Yu, Wanting Pang, Rebecca Bixby & Quanxi Wang*. 2021. Three new species of the diatom genus Hannaea Patrick (Bacillariophyta) from the Hengduan Mountains, China, with notes on Hannaea diversity in the region[J]. Diatom Research 36(1): 35-38.
(2) Fen Luo, Qi Yang, Kaijuan Guo, Tengteng Liu, Quqanxi Wang & Qingmin You*. 2019. A new species of Neidiomorpha (Bacillariophyta) from mountain lakes within the Sichuan Province of China. Phytotaxa 423(2): 99-104.
(3) Fen Luo, Qingmin You, Pan Yu, Wangting Pang & Quanxi Wang*. 2019. Eunotia (Bacillariophyta) biodiversity from high altitude, freshwater habitats in the Mugecuo Scenic Area, Sichuan Province, China. Phytotaxa 394(2): 133-147.
(4) Fen Luo, Qingmin You & Quanxi Wang*. 2018. A new species of Genkalia (Bacillariophyta) from mountain lakes within the Sichuan Province of China. Phytotaxa 372(3): 236-242.
(5) 罗粉; 尤庆敏; 于潘; 曹玥; 王全喜 ; 四川木格措十字脆杆藻科硅藻的分类研究, 水生生物学报, 2019, 43(4): 910-922.
(6) 罗粉. 2019. 封面, 封底照片说明硅藻简介. 生物学教学(11): 79-80.
(7) John J. Kociolek, Qingmin You, Fen Luo, Pan Yu, Rex Lowe & Quanxi Wang*.2019. First Report and New Freshwater Species of Germainiella (Bacillariophyta) from the Maolan Nature Reserve, Guizhou Province, China. Phytotaxa 393(1): 035-046.
(8) Qingmin You, Pan Yu, John J. Kociolek, Yanlu Wang, Fen Luo, Rex Lowe & Quanxi Wang*. 2019. A new species of Achnanthes (Bacillariophyceae) from a freshwater habitat in a karst landform from south-central China. Phycological Research 67: 303-310.
(9) 刘腾腾, 罗粉, 王艳璐, 王全喜, 尤庆敏*. 2020. 上海淀山湖2种硅藻植物中国新记录. 西北植物学报40(1): 0170-0173.
(10) 樊高罡, 潘芳婷, 罗粉, 尤庆敏*. 2021.泸沽湖硅藻植物初报. 上海师范大学学报(自然科学版), 50(1): 28-38.
5. 出版著作
上海市九段沙浮游藻类图册. 科学出版社, 2017. (参与)
6. 专利
7. 获奖